Thursday, October 28, 2010

Camping in the Backyard

Yes, we have been camping in the great outdoors, much further then our own backyard.  But some of the best adventures are close to home.  The boys asked if they could help put up the tent in the backyard and I said "Sure!"

So, the boys actually helped set up the tent.  Explaining to me how the poles go together & where we should put the tent.  Once the tent was up they were quick to move in.  They seemed to think of it as a bedroom/playroom combined.  Sleeping bags, crayola glowboard, bedside table, books & of course rechargeable flashlights.*

The tent became their "Hid Ot" for a few days, complete with sign and all.  By the end of it (4 days), it was quite a task to clean it out.  As it had all the above named stuff plus some additional board games, clothes & toys in it. .

*These flashlights are from Brookstone  and they are awesome.  They are actually called a "Twist Light" and they are a little expensive at $25 a pop.  But my boys love them (they were a gift) and I don't have to replace batteries.  They are just the right size, not to little to lose, not big and bulky & always ready to go ( or sometimes only a few twists away).

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