Friday, December 10, 2010

The Building Museum, AGAIN!

We hit the National Building Museum again!  They have a great architectural exhibit with Legos.  This exhibit was awesome.  The first part of the exhibit had some great sculptures, like the Eiffel Tower, the Seattle Space Needle, the White House and many more.  The exhibit entailed how many hours it took to design the creation & then how long it took to build it, as well as how many Legos it contains.

The boys were quite amazed by all of this.  I think they were caught off guard by all the planning it took, which made for a great conversation about planning out things.
But the best was yet to come!  After "seeing" the exhibit, they got to play with the exhibit.  The museum had an entire room of Legos for the kids to play with.  The kids were in heaven & best of all.  The museum was basically empty when we were there (only 3 other kids in this entire exhibit).  The kids then built many different designs & then placed them on the "city grid".  They had a great time & could of stay there for half the day (but I dragged them out after almost 2 hours), alas we had to meet Dad for lunch (one of the perks of coming to DC for sightseeing is getting to meet up with Dad).

                     And yes, they are wearing their Halloween Outfits. 

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