Wednesday, August 25, 2010

Counting Caterpillar

This is such a cute little activity!  I have actually made this a few times.  I have done the activity with my own boys, as well as made it and given it as a cute little gift for a little boy who was going to be a big brother.  He thought it was so cute (and better yet it entertained him & he was learning).  We started with 10 and have since added on.  Our Counting Caterpillar currently counts up to 30.

You can make this caterpillar out of little wooden discs that you can easily pick up at Micheal's Craft Store or you can make it out of card stock (we have done both).  Today I used cardstock & was working with one of my son's friends.  She can easily count to 10, but then starts to get mixed up, so we made a caterpillar that goes up to 20 (and then she can keep adding at a later date).  C also can not identify her numbers above 10, but she can count pretty well, so the dots on the back were very helpful. We used water colors for the front, then I drew the numbers on & put dots on the back for her to count and self correct.

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