Sunday, August 15, 2010

Discovering the Montessori World

This is my first blog post and I promise it will all get a little more exciting as I go along since I am new to blogging!  Anyway, I am in the midst of taking some different Montessori Workshops & looking into some formal teacher training programs as I prepare to reenter the "working" world next year.  So this blog is going to track my work with my children as well as some friend's children.  

As a teacher (before having 2 boys) I was always a hands on teacher, as I always found it more interesting and engaging.  When our boys were born my natural instincts kicked in and we started (unbeknownst to me) raising them in the "Montessori Way."  

This has been great fun for all of us.  The boys are great at many things (i.e. cooking (they have their own cooking supplies), clearing the table, creating lego masterpieces, counting, bringing down the laundry, reading, making train towns, washing the dog, building things with their tools, riding their bikes, sending mail to friends, identifying countries on the map, swimming, painting & playing games).  Each day is an adventure and I can't wait to share it with you.


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