Friday, September 24, 2010

Little Jobs

I love that my boys love doing little jobs.  They give them a great feeling of satisfaction because they love to do them (because they ask to do them).  They are also now at the point of being very helpful (and actually time saving for me). 

This does take a little bit of foot work for a while.  What do I mean you ask?  Well you have to slow down and let them do "their job", at "their" pace & "their" way.  This took me a little time at first, because my instinct would be, "Let me do it, because I can get it finished quickly."  But what does that accomplish?  A disappointed child & a Mom who is tired because everything falls to me to do.

So, now I watch my sons do things like; put away their clothes (upstairs), feed the dog, clean up the playroom, "make" their beds,  bring their laundry downstairs,  gather up their library books, clear their dishes from the dinner table, fill up their own water cups, get their own snacks and help with the recycling.  

Now if I could just get them to go to the grocery store, make dinner and mow the lawn!

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