Thursday, September 23, 2010

Struggling with Kindergarten

I wish I could homeschool our kids, I really do!  My oldest son, "J" went off to Kindergarten a few weeks ago and is really struggling.  I think it is a variety of things actually, but I find it very frustrating.  I have 2 sons that are 15 months apart.  We are a little threesome when Dad is at work.  We go everywhere together & do so much "stuff".  I have been lucky enough to be at home with both J & A since the day there were born.  But the plan has always been for me to go back to work when A is in kindergarten (which is next year, fall of 2011).

Anyway, we moved to a new neighborhood last year, which I love (not far from the city we were living downtown in). They have great schools, lots of parks, & plenty of kids all around.  I discovered the Montessori Method & realized how much I was already applying it to our family life.  My kids have gone to a playbased preschool two mornings a week (we had J there 2 full days last spring) for the past few years & I have done oodles with them at home.  They love to discover new stuff.

J has always been independent, so going to Kindergarten would be a breeze I thought.  I wish we could of done a Montessori school but they are all to expensive at the moment.  I am currently looking into employment at some of those schools to see what my possibilities would be for when I return to work next year (I was a teacher before being a SAHM).  Anyway, J is struggling.  He doesn't like being there all day (all-day Kindergarten is all that is offered in our state in public school), he doesn't like not being able to explore, he wants to be "doing stuff" with A & me. 

I try to down play what A and I do while he is gone, but he is smart & after 5 1/2 years of being on the go (museums, parks, libraries, activities, going to DC to visit Dad at work), he knows we don't sit around at home.  I feel so bad because I feel I am doing him an injustice.  I don't know whether or not I should homeschool him.  Should I give him some more time to adjust?  He doesn't really know a lot of kids yet.  I am not sure if I will keep them at this school or move them next year to wear ever I am teaching (it all depends on the job).

But the other day he came home with new pants on & I asked what happened.  He told me he wet his pants.  He is almost 6 (in Nov.) & I can't remember the last time he had an accident!  He has been fully potty trained since he was an early 3.  Not sure what to do, I hate feeling so up in the air.  But I don't want to create instability or teach him that I will solve every problem that he doesn't like.

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